Sweet Water Beef
Natural – Local – Grass Fed
Highest Quality
100% Grass-Fed Beef
Hormone, Antibiotic & Pesticide Free
100% Humanely Raised
Truly Local
From Our Ranch to Your Table
Care for Our Land & Animals
Taste the Sweet Water Difference
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Fresh Meat At Your Door Every Month or Whenever you Need
Welcome to Sweet Water Farm
We believe in the law of the harvest, which states in part that “you reap what you sow.” Because of this, we are completely vested in the welfare of the land, knowing that if we are good to the land, the land will be good to us.
We raise our beef from birth to brisket, overseeing every step of the process. This ensures that things are done right and that no shortcuts are taken that will affect the quality of our product. We know that we have something great to offer, and we are still figuring out the best way to let people know about us. We have a long way to go and a lot to learn, but we are certain about our animals.
If you have ever been fortunate enough to partake of food tended and harvested by your own hands, then you will have an appreciation for the work we are doing. We are blessed to participate in the miracle of life, helping good things to grow in a way that is good for the land and good for people.
Sweet Water Farm is by no means a high production operation, but the things that it does produce are grown sustainably and in harmony with the times and seasons. Since our cows are allowed to live their lives on clean, open pasture, they are significantly healthier than their feedlot counterparts. This eliminates the need for pesticides and antibiotics, leaving you with beef that is free from questionable chemicals.
Our beef is USDA inspected to ensure a quality product, and dry-aged for at least fourteen days. This process serves to further tenderize the meat, concentrate and improve the meat’s flavor, and reduce shrinkage in meat during the cooking process. Dry-aged beef will also keep longer in your freezer than conventionally processed meat.
Who We Are
We raise beef cattle. We do it the right way. No shortcuts.
We are the fourth generation on this piece of ground nestled into a little slice of heaven here in the Cascade mountain range of Southwest Washington. We are right around the 100 year mark working the land our grandfather cleared with a team of mules right after World War I.
By and large the face of agriculture has changed tremendously over the last 100 years, some good… some bad. We traded in the mules for tractors and opted for electricity and indoor plumbing, but we took a hard pass on industrial beef practices. We believe added hormones, pesticides, harsh chemicals, and routine overuse of antibiotics don’t belong in our food chain. We aren’t fans of the quality of life that cattle experience in high density feed lot conditions. Our cows have all the sunshine and grass they could want and drink clean clear mountain spring water year round.
Chances are that if you found our website you already know the numerous benefits of eating grass fed beef, but if you are thirsty for more knowledge go see About our Beef.
A short summary: cows were meant to eat grass and you were meant to eat cows.
If you’ve had grass fed beef in the past and were left unimpressed you are not alone, It is not uncommon for grass fed beef to come off as gamey, dry and tough. We invite you to try ours which is better described as juicy, flavorful and tender. We believe you can taste a difference when no shortcuts are taken.
— The Hornbys
Contact Us
Don’t miss out on experiencing beef that beyond what you’ve imagined. Contact us and let us know what you are interested in purchasing.
Reach out to us in any of the following ways:
Text or call us at (360) 861-6313
Email us at [email protected]
Stop by at 8263 US-12, Glenoma, WA 98336
Send us a message using this form: